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Quick and easy setup and control with OMRON Palletizer solution for cobots
  • Quick and easy setup and control with OMRON Palletizer solution for cobots

    Quick and easy setup and control with OMRON Palletizer solution for cobots

    OMRON's palletizing solution for collaborative robots responds to the need for more flexible production processes and reduces programming time. The PLC-based cobot palletizing solution is created on OMRON’s NX1 series modular machine controller that is equipped with a specialized Palletizing Function Block. Palletizing solutions with collaborative robots can fit into small spaces and work safely side by side with people, without additional safety fencing, whilst relieving operators from heavy lifting and repetitive tasks. Cobot palletizers have become more and more popular in many industries and end-of-line applications. To simplify and to speed up the programming of these applications, OMRON has launched a new cobot palletizing solution. The NX machine controller communicates directly with the cobot controller, and seamlessly handles the various input and output devices and tools needed for a palletizing solution, such as a gripper, pillar, conveyor belt, safety components, sensors, and servo motors. This enables the complete sequencing to be performed from the PLC. The solution can be connected to a human machine interface for operation. Discover more:


OMRON lansează o soluţie de paletizare cu coboţi

14 martie 2023 Noua funcţie bloc de paletizare din controlerul de maşină de la OMRON permite configurarea simplă şi rapidă a diferitelor modele de paleţi.
How can AI and collaborative robots support human operators in an assembly line?

V-am atras atenţia, nu? OMRON îi invită pe vizitatori să poarte ochelari RA pentru o experienţă de asamblare cu un geamăn digital

27 februarie 2023 OMRON sărbătoreşte 90 de ani de inovaţie în Hala 9, standul F24 de la Târgul de la Hanovra din 2023 (17-21 aprilie 2023)
climate group ep100 fcard en logo

Obiectiv Carbon Zero: OMRON se angajează să dubleze productivitatea energiei până în 2040

16 noiembrie 2022 OMRON a devenit membră a iniţiativelor „EP100” ale The Climate Group. OMRON este prima companie japoneză din sectorul producţiei şi a patra companie japoneză în general care s-a alăturat iniţiativei EP100, care reuneşte peste 120 de companii inteligente din punct de vedere energetic, care se angajează să măsoare şi să raporteze îmbunătăţiri în materie de eficienţă energetică.
OMRON and AWL-Techniek launch a cobot welding cell
  • OMRON and AWL-Techniek launch a cobot welding cell

    OMRON and AWL-Techniek launch a cobot welding cell

    With the increasing scarcity of qualified welding personnel, the cobot welding cell is ideal, especially for smaller production companies. With smart system integration, AWL helps to make the production process more efficient. The strength of people lies in creativity, while the power of machines lies in repetitive work. OMRON offers automation solutions, such as its cobots, that empower both people and machines. Combining the knowledge and skills of the two companies has resulted in a product that can meet the needs of the customer in all areas. While AWL has expertise in the field of process improvement, OMRON’s strength is at the component level. Together we can offer a powerful and unique cobot welding cell that boosts customer productivity, increases safety and makes employees more efficient.


OMRON şi AWL-Techniek lansează o celulă de sudură cobot

12 aprilie 2021 OMRON şi constructorul de maşini de înaltă tehnologie AWL şi-au unit forţele pentru a lansa Qube, o celulă de sudură cobot. Această celulă facilitează pentru companii sudarea loturilor mici, introducerea mai uşoară a produselor noi şi posibilitatea ca oamenii şi maşinile să lucreze împreună în siguranţă.
v275 news fcard prod

Vă prezentăm seria V275, soluţia ideală de inspectare a etichetelor pentru producătorii care utilizează imprimante termice Zebra

20 martie 2021 În domenii precum ştiinţele vieţii, alimente şi băuturi, industria auto şi bunuri de consum ambalate, este esenţial pentru companii să se asigure că etichetele produselor şi ambalajelor arată conţinutul corect, că sunt lizibile clar şi că întrunesc cerinţele obligatorii de calitate. Altfel, aceste companii ar putea fi răspunzătoare pentru problemele legate de siguranţa consumatorilor şi supuse unor rechemări sau amenzi costisitoare.
OMRON’S  i4L SCARA Robot Series
  • OMRON’S  i4L SCARA Robot Series

    OMRON’S i4L SCARA Robot Series

    Introducing OMRON’s next generation I4-L Scara Robot Series The i4L is a compact SCARA robot which offers strong performance at the lowest cost of ownership. Simple integration with compact design, easy wall or table mounting and unique Ethernet or EtherCAT connectivity in the base. Maximize uptime by means of interactive maintenance alarms and an RGB dome light. Gain significantly greater performance for the lowest total cost of ownership. The i4L’s speed, inertia, and repeatability offer advance features providing the best performance necessary for your application. Learn more here:


Următoarea generaţie de roboţi seria i4L SCARA

16 decembrie 2020 Seria i4L SCARA ridică ştacheta pentru piaţa SCARA pentru sarcini uşoare, oferind performanţă puternică la preţul cel mai competitiv.
Experience manufacturing of the future first hand:  Opening of the Automation Center in Barcelona!
  • Experience manufacturing of the future first hand:  Opening of the Automation Center in Barcelona!

    Experience manufacturing of the future first hand: Opening of the Automation Center in Barcelona!

    In its Automation Centres, OMRON Industrial Automation opens the door to the factory of the future, where customers and OMRON engineers jointly develop ideas for innovation projects and exchange ideas in workshops and lectures. The adjoining showroom illustrates the latest developments in the field of automation. The newly updated and expanded Automation Center Barcelona is one of the 37 Automation Centres around the world, and the first in Europe. With the addition of 320m2, the facility now boasts 831m2 of floor space, and enables European customers to truly experience the benefits of having a connected, automated and intelligent factory.


OMRON deschide poarta către fabrica viitorului cu Centrul de automatizări modernizat din Barcelona

25 octombrie 2021 Primul centru de automatizări OMRON din Europa a beneficiat recent de o reproiectare majoră şi include acum o zonă vastă de demonstraţii pentru aplicaţii de automatizare inovatoare.

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