Manager flotă
Centralizaţi-vă controlul AMR şi monitorizarea cu Managerul de flotă. Optimizaţi-vă fluxul de lucru cu FLOW Core.
Soluţie de gestionare a flotei de roboţi mobili autonomi de top în industrie, pentru aplicaţii de fabrică şi de producţie. Aceasta gestionează în mod automat traficul şi sarcinile AMR, în funcţie de prioritatea dvs. Implementaţi în mod flexibil, cu opţiuni sigure şi scalabile de virtualizare.

Fleet management for mobile robots: Omron Enterprise Manager
Omron enterprise manager is our intelligent fleet management system for mobile robots. It continuously monitors and coordinates fleets up to 100 robots in warehouses and factory floors. - traffic control - intelligent job assignment - charge management - easy integration with IT - automatic updates - it enables robots to collaborate as a team
Fleet management for mobile robots: Omron Enterprise Manager
Omron enterprise manager is our intelligent fleet management system for mobile robots. It continuously monitors and coordinates fleets up to 100 robots in warehouses and factory floors. - traffic control - intelligent job assignment - charge management - easy integration with IT - automatic updates - it enables robots to collaborate as a teamCaracteristici
Optimizarea eficienţei
1Alocarea inteligentă a lucrărilorReduce irosirea timpului şi mişcările inutile, privind în continuu înainte, pentru a anticipa care roboţi vor fi poziţionaţi cel mai bine pentru sarcinile care urmează.
2Mişcare gestionatăAsigură operaţiuni fără întreruperi în medii aglomerate, prin coordonarea fluxurilor de trafic şi prin succesiunea eficientă a preluării şi livrării în locaţiile ţintă.
3Controlul traficuluiNotifică roboţii care urmează să se ciocnească în legătură cu traseele previzionate, permiţându-le să le recalculeze şi să evite coliziunea în cel mai eficient mod.
Maximizarea timpului de funcţionare
4Actualizări automateEfectuează în mod automat actualizări în toată flota.
5Managementul schimbării bateriilorUrmăreşte puterea bateriilor pentru întreaga flotă, direcţionând roboţii către cea mai apropiată staţie de andocare disponibilă sau către cea preferată, pe baza unei planificări care asigură funcţionarea continuă a flotei.
Flexibilitate crescută
6Integrare uşoară cu sistemele ITManagerul de flotă se poate conecta cu sistemele dvs. MES, ERP şi WMS, astfel încât activităţile să poată fi propagate în mod automat în flotă, în timp real.
7Administrarea competenţelorÎnţelege capabilităţile fiecărui vehicul din flotă şi se asigură întotdeauna că robotului corect i se alocă activitatea corectă.
Management performant al flotelor
Soluţia noastră de configurare, integrare şi gestionare a flotelor de roboţi mobili autonomi (AMR) în cadrul unei fabrici. FLOW Core furnizează instrumentele software pentru conectarea flotei de AMR la soluţia de control al producţiei din fabrică, stabilirea hărţilor, definirea regulilor operaţionale şi asigurarea unei operări sigure şi constante la nivelul fabricii. Software-ul FLOW include următoarele funcţii:
- Integration Toolkit (ITK)
- MobilePlanner 6
- Buton de apel pentru ediţia pentru tabletă MobilePlanner
- Autonomie selectabilă
- Urmărirea dinamică a obstacolelor
- Sisteme de poziţionare şi aliniere la celule (Cell Alignment Positioning System - CAPS)
- Simulator de flotă
FLOW Core provides the software tools to connect the AMR fleet to the factory’s manufacturing control solution, establish maps, define operational rules, and ensure safe, consistent operation on the factory floor. #omronindustrialautomation
Fleet Operations Workspace iQ
FLOW iQ oferă instrumentele de vizualizare pentru a genera grafice din mers şi inteligenţa necesară pentru a maximiza timpul de funcţionare şi durata de viaţă a aplicaţiei prin accelerarea rezolvării defecţiunilor, oferindu-le operatorilor instrumentele necesare pentru a menţine producţia operaţională 24/7.
- Vedeţi rapid câţi roboţi lucrează, încarcă, aşteaptă sau raportează o eroare.
- Vizualizaţi performanţa flotei cu ajutorul statisticilor flexibile privitoare la lucrări.
- Examinaţi datele de pe harta wireless de calitate pentru a determina punctele slabe din reţea.
- Urmăriţi şi menţineţi sănătatea AMR şi a bateriei cu ajutorul funcţiei de urmărire inteligentă a erorilor şi a bateriei.
- Personalizaţi traficul flotei cu ajutorul hărţilor de localizare şi a hărţilor termice de poziţie, pentru a maximiza durata ciclurilor.
FLOW Fleet Operations Workspace iQ fleet analytics engine
Fleet Operations Workspace iQ, OMRON’s first fleet analytics engine for application performance and health tracking. Enhancing the core user experience with powerful data collection and analytics through an intuitive user interface. FLOW iQ provides the visualization tools to generate graphics on the fly, and the intelligence to maximize application uptime and lifetime by accelerating failure resolution through giving operators the tools to maintain 24/7 production. Read more:
Integration Toolkit
Integration Toolkit este aplicaţia pentru interfaţa OMRON care permite integrarea dintre Managerul de flotă şi aplicaţia utilizatorului final, sistemul de executare a procesului de fabricaţie (MES) sau sistemul de administrare a depozitului. Integration Toolkit facilitează plasarea în coadă şi monitorizarea tuturor tipurilor de acţiuni AMR, precum preluarea, plasarea şi acţiunile multi-segment.
- Metode standard de comunicaţie incluzând REST, SQL, şi AMQP.
- Furnizează un singur punct de contact pentru administrarea unei flote.
- Colectare automată a datelor despre roboţi şi flotă, de utilizat în sistemele MES şi WMS.
- Alocarea flexibilă a acţiunilor permite atribuirea sarcinilor în masă sau dinamic, drept răspuns la intrarea externă.

FLOW Core - Integration Toolkit Broşură
Simulator de flotă

Fleet Simulator Prospect
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Fleet Simulator
Our Fleet Simulator offers the industry’s first mobile robot simulator for factory and manufacturing applications. #omronindustrialautomation
Tehnologia şi software-ul AMR
Roboţii mobili autonomi (AMR-uri) de la OMRON sunt echipaţi cu tehnologie AMR dedicată pentru navigare şi poziţionare pentru aliniere. Această tehnologie permite AMR-urilor să se mişte sigur şi eficient în spaţiile de lucru care le-au fost alocate, chiar şi în medii complexe. AMR-urile sunt controlate prin software, ceea ce facilitează utilizarea şi programarea acestora.
- Tehnologia AMR dedicată, utilizată de AMR-urile OMRON include o varietate de senzori, precum scannerele cu laser, care permite roboţilor să cartografieze cu precizie mediul şi să navigheze în siguranţă.
- Software-ul utilizat pentru a controla AMR-urile OMRON este intuitiv şi uşor de folosit, ceea ce facilitează programarea roboţilor pentru a efectua anumite operaţii.

Simulatorul de flotă OMRON oferă primul simulator de roboţi mobili din industrie pentru utilizări în producţie şi fabrici
Specificaţii şi informaţii pentru comenzi
Produs | Max. number of vehicle connections | License period | License version | Descriere | |
5 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - Up to 5 x AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
10 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - Up to 10 x AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
15 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - Up to 15 x AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
20 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - Up to 20 x AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
25 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - Up to 25 x AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
30 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - Up to 30 x AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
100 | 3 years | Flow Core license | Virtual Fleet Manager - More than 30 AMR FLOW Core License, allows 3 Year FLOW Core upgrades |
Avem o combinaţie aproape nelimitată pentru adaptarea la orice scenariu de producţie.
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Intralogistics process and related challenges
OMRON solution for the complete intralogistics process The complete intralogistics process in a factory is divided into four different groups because the challenges are different, but also the solutions: Lineside Replenishment; Work in progress; Finished goods and Warehouse. Read more on:
Soluţia OMRON pentru un proces intralogistic complet


Simulator de flotă – Optimizaţi-vă flota înainte de a o da în folosinţă
Cazuri clienţi

Operators and robots work in harmony: Grupo Antolin automates handling of car interior components
Major trends in the automotive industry – including an increasing emphasis on issues such as electrification, digitalization, and sustainability – are also driving changes in vehicle interiors. One of the largest international players in this sector is Grupo Antolin. As a key player at global automotive supply chain and high value manufacturing leader, the strategy of the company, Adv. Manufacturing 4.0, looks into integration of digital technology in the operations. One of the focus areas is the reduction and optimization of movements in internal logistic. Introducing autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and collaborative robots (cobots), manufactured and supplied by OMRON, helps achieve a modernized and more sustainable factory where people and machines are working in harmony. For more information, visit:
Operators and robots work in harmony: Grupo Antolin automates handling of car interior components
Major trends in the automotive industry – including an increasing emphasis on issues such as electrification, digitalization, and sustainability – are also driving changes in vehicle interiors. One of the largest international players in this sector is Grupo Antolin. As a key player at global automotive supply chain and high value manufacturing leader, the strategy of the company, Adv. Manufacturing 4.0, looks into integration of digital technology in the operations. One of the focus areas is the reduction and optimization of movements in internal logistic. Introducing autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and collaborative robots (cobots), manufactured and supplied by OMRON, helps achieve a modernized and more sustainable factory where people and machines are working in harmony. For more information, visit:
Material handling solutions with autonomous mobile robots
LCS has implemented applications with OMRON autonomous mobile robots in various markets and industries that require efficient, flexible and automated logistics. LCS Group has been operating on the Italian and European markets since 1989 as a System Integrator, offering complete, integrated and cutting-edge hardware and software solutions for internal logistics, airports and industrial automation. Music in this video Inspirational Corporate Ambient Artist: Aleksandr Shamaluev Album: Corporate Music Licensed to YouTube by HAAWK for a 3rd Party (on behalf of AShamaluevMusic); HAAWK Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., and 3 music rights societies
Material handling solutions with autonomous mobile robots
LCS has implemented applications with OMRON autonomous mobile robots in various markets and industries that require efficient, flexible and automated logistics. LCS Group has been operating on the Italian and European markets since 1989 as a System Integrator, offering complete, integrated and cutting-edge hardware and software solutions for internal logistics, airports and industrial automation. Music in this video Inspirational Corporate Ambient Artist: Aleksandr Shamaluev Album: Corporate Music Licensed to YouTube by HAAWK for a 3rd Party (on behalf of AShamaluevMusic); HAAWK Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., and 3 music rights societies
Made-to-order production with an advanced fleet of mobile robots at VOLA
VOLA, a Danish manufacturer of luxury sanitary and kitchen fittings, has opened a new factory that incorporates a fleet of nine LD mobile robots from Omron. The new robot fleet works side-by-side with people, and is controlled by an advanced fleet management system. These have replaced roller conveyors, leading to a more flexible production and logistics set-up that matches the company’s single-piece production process, in which everything is produced to order.
Made-to-order production with an advanced fleet of mobile robots at VOLA
VOLA, a Danish manufacturer of luxury sanitary and kitchen fittings, has opened a new factory that incorporates a fleet of nine LD mobile robots from Omron. The new robot fleet works side-by-side with people, and is controlled by an advanced fleet management system. These have replaced roller conveyors, leading to a more flexible production and logistics set-up that matches the company’s single-piece production process, in which everything is produced to order.
Normagrup automates material transport with autonomous mobile robots
Founded in 1971, Normagrup is a world leader in technology dedicated to the production of interior lighting. Following the company’s original spirit and desire to create high-quality, technological products, they also apply this spirit in continuously improving their production processes. When Normagrup decided to automate material transport between production areas, they opted for a fleet of autonomous mobile robots with automatic loading and unloading stations. The project was carried out with Inser Robótica S.A. #mobilerobots #robotics #AMRs #intralogistics
Normagrup automates material transport with autonomous mobile robots
Founded in 1971, Normagrup is a world leader in technology dedicated to the production of interior lighting. Following the company’s original spirit and desire to create high-quality, technological products, they also apply this spirit in continuously improving their production processes. When Normagrup decided to automate material transport between production areas, they opted for a fleet of autonomous mobile robots with automatic loading and unloading stations. The project was carried out with Inser Robótica S.A. #mobilerobots #robotics #AMRs #intralogisticsVideoclipuri

FLOW Core provides the software tools to connect the AMR fleet to the factory’s manufacturing control solution, establish maps, define operational rules, and ensure safe, consistent operation on the factory floor. #omronindustrialautomation
FLOW Core provides the software tools to connect the AMR fleet to the factory’s manufacturing control solution, establish maps, define operational rules, and ensure safe, consistent operation on the factory floor. #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
FLOW Fleet Operations Workspace iQ fleet analytics engine
Fleet Operations Workspace iQ, OMRON’s first fleet analytics engine for application performance and health tracking. Enhancing the core user experience with powerful data collection and analytics through an intuitive user interface. FLOW iQ provides the visualization tools to generate graphics on the fly, and the intelligence to maximize application uptime and lifetime by accelerating failure resolution through giving operators the tools to maintain 24/7 production. Read more:
FLOW Fleet Operations Workspace iQ fleet analytics engine
Fleet Operations Workspace iQ, OMRON’s first fleet analytics engine for application performance and health tracking. Enhancing the core user experience with powerful data collection and analytics through an intuitive user interface. FLOW iQ provides the visualization tools to generate graphics on the fly, and the intelligence to maximize application uptime and lifetime by accelerating failure resolution through giving operators the tools to maintain 24/7 production. Read more:
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobotsDescărcări

Activaţi-vă software-ul Mobile Robot
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