Cel mai puternic robot mobil complet autonom al nostru
HD-1500 are o capacitate amplificată a sarcinii utile de 1.500 kg şi permite clienţilor să ghideze şi să transporte cele mai grele obiecte. Proiectat pentru producţia industrială, reduce nevoia de motostivuitoare şi creşte randamentul cu mai puţine echipamente.
Introducing OMRON HD-1500 Mobile Robot
Introducing OMRON’s strongest mobile robot: the HD-1500. The HD-1500 is an advanced autonomous mobile robot specifically designed to transport heavy payloads up to 1500 kilograms. The HD-1500 also represents innovations in mobile robotics. Its new architecture features lasers that provide 360-degree safety coverage, as well as an onboard programmable logic controller, or PLC, to easily interface with custom attachments. Heavier payloads, built-in controller, improved sensors, route planning and object avoidance, the OMRON HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot offers the most advanced performance and safety. Learn more:Robotul mobil HD-1500 cu sarcină utilă de 1500 kg
Automatizaţi lucrările noi
Capacitatea mai mare a sarcinii utilele permite clienţilor să îşi automatizeze noile lucrări care înainte nu erau posibile, cum ar fi transportul sarcinilor de dimensiunea paleţilor, al blocurilor motoare, precum şi al altor bunuri şi echipamente grele. HD-1500 poate automatiza şi sarcini care sunt efectuate în mod tradiţional cu ajutorul motostivuitoarelor, reducând riscul de vătămării corporale.
Soluţia cu cel mai înalt nivel de personalizare pentru fabrica dvs.
HD-1500 Leaflet Prospect
HD-series Mobile Robot Fişă de date tehnice
What to consider when selecting a mobile robot for heavy loads
Încărcare rapidă a bateriei
- Încărcare de la 5% la 80% în 35 de minute.
- 9 ore de funcţionare cu sarcină utilă completă.
- 12,5 ore de funcţionare fără sarcină.
2 lasere LIDAR, 2 lasere inferioare şi 2 lasere laterale
Tehnologia şi software-ul AMR
Roboţii mobili autonomi (AMR-uri) de la OMRON sunt echipaţi cu tehnologie AMR dedicată pentru navigare şi poziţionare pentru aliniere. Această tehnologie permite AMR-urilor să se mişte sigur şi eficient în spaţiile de lucru care le-au fost alocate, chiar şi în medii complexe. AMR-urile sunt controlate prin software, ceea ce facilitează utilizarea şi programarea acestora.
- Tehnologia AMR dedicată, utilizată de AMR-urile OMRON include o varietate de senzori, precum scannerele cu laser, care permite roboţilor să cartografieze cu precizie mediul şi să navigheze în siguranţă.
- Software-ul utilizat pentru a controla AMR-urile OMRON este intuitiv şi uşor de folosit, ceea ce facilitează programarea roboţilor pentru a efectua anumite operaţii.
Controler de utilaje Omron integrat accesibil pentru utilizator
- IO dedicat prin intermediul platformei Sysmac de la Omron
- Montarea de comenzi şi dispozitive periferice pentru utilizator cu controlerul de utilaje seria NX
- Securitate integrată
Specificaţii şi informaţii pentru comenzi
Produs | Mobile robot type | Maximum load | Maximum speed | Kit type | Accessories included | Battery included | Descriere | |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | Docking station | No | Mobile Robot, HD-1500, without Battery |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot | HAPS (dual) | No | Mobile Robot, HD-1500, Double HAPS, without Battery |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Docking station, Pendant, Top plate | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, HD-1500, Charger, Pendant, Top Plate, without Battery |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Docking station, HAPS (dual), Pendant, Top plate | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, HD-1500, Double HAPS, Charger, Pendant, Top Plate, without Battery |
Filtru activat
DOX 250 şi Cart 500
MHP 08500 Mechafant-L128
MartinSystems GmbH.
Nord Modules
Nord Modules
Nord Modules
Platformă cu conveior HD-1500 pentru paleţi
Avem o combinaţie aproape nelimitată pentru adaptarea la orice scenariu de producţie.
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DownloadAplicaţii şi industrii cheie
Intralogistics process and related challenges
OMRON solution for the complete intralogistics process The complete intralogistics process in a factory is divided into four different groups because the challenges are different, but also the solutions: Lineside Replenishment; Work in progress; Finished goods and Warehouse. Read more on:
Soluţia OMRON pentru un proces intralogistic complet
Industrii cheie
Automatizarea industriei auto
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citiţi mai multDigital şi Semiconductori
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citiţi mai multVideoclipuri
OMRON's HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for pallet-size loads
This is the HD-1500, OMRON's newest and strongest autonomous mobile robot. The HD-1500 can carry payloads of up to 1,500 kg, and can load and transport the heaviest of objects. The HD-1500 is ideal for applications that require moving pallet-size loads. Mobile robots in the production and warehouse environments help to reduce the workload of employees, take over routine tasks and comply with hygiene regulations, for example now during a pandemic. It’s designed to meet the industry’s latest requirements, and can interact with people to create a collaborative, safe working environment. In warehousing and manufacturing, the HD-1500 can make processes more efficient working safely side-by-side with humans, and reducing the risk of employee injury in dangerous situations. Take a look at it in action at our Proof of Concept area at our Automation Technology Centre for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Annecy, France. Read more:
OMRON's HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for pallet-size loads
This is the HD-1500, OMRON's newest and strongest autonomous mobile robot. The HD-1500 can carry payloads of up to 1,500 kg, and can load and transport the heaviest of objects. The HD-1500 is ideal for applications that require moving pallet-size loads. Mobile robots in the production and warehouse environments help to reduce the workload of employees, take over routine tasks and comply with hygiene regulations, for example now during a pandemic. It’s designed to meet the industry’s latest requirements, and can interact with people to create a collaborative, safe working environment. In warehousing and manufacturing, the HD-1500 can make processes more efficient working safely side-by-side with humans, and reducing the risk of employee injury in dangerous situations. Take a look at it in action at our Proof of Concept area at our Automation Technology Centre for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Annecy, France. Read more:-
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation-
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots-
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 1: Unboxing Preparation
Have a look at this video to see what steps are needed to get started with the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot to support your material transport needs. With a payload capacity of 1500kg, the HD-1500 is OMRON's strongest mobile robot. We have prepared a series of videos to help you get started. In this video, you can see what tools are needed for unboxing, and what steps you should take to prepare the unboxing.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 1: Unboxing Preparation
Have a look at this video to see what steps are needed to get started with the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot to support your material transport needs. With a payload capacity of 1500kg, the HD-1500 is OMRON's strongest mobile robot. We have prepared a series of videos to help you get started. In this video, you can see what tools are needed for unboxing, and what steps you should take to prepare the unboxing.Descărcări
Activaţi-vă software-ul Mobile Robot
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