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Senzori de proximitate rezistenţi la ulei cu detecţie standard

Senzori de proximitate rezistenţi la ulei cu detecţie standard şi cu funcţie de imunitate la particule mici pentru rezistenţă la lichide de răcire şi ungere, pentru limitarea defecţiunilor la maşinile-unelte şi în domeniul aplicaţiilor auto.

  • Cablu din răşină fluorurată (PUR) rezistent la lichide de răcire şi ungere
  • Metoda de etanşare care elimină spaţiile din îmbinările de cablu şi răşina de umplere contribuie împreună la blocarea pătrunderii lichidelor de răcire şi ungere
  • IP67G este gradul de protecţie care este definit în funcţie de standardele industriale japoneze JIS C0920

Specificaţii şi informaţii pentru comenzi

Ordering information

Standard proximity sensors


Sensing distance

Connection method

Cable specifications

Order code

Operation mode: NO

Operation mode: NC



2 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)


E2ER-X2D1 2M1

E2ER-X2D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)

E2ER-X2D1-M1TGJ 0.3M

E2ER-X2D2-M1TGJ 0.3M


3 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)

E2ER-X3D1 2M1

E2ER-X3D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)

E2ER-X3D1-M1TGJ 0.3M

E2ER-X3D2-M1TGJ 0.3M


7 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)

E2ER-X7D1 2M1

E2ER-X7D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)

E2ER-X7D1-M1TGJ 0.3M

E2ER-X7D2-M1TGJ 0.3M


10 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)

E2ER-X10D1 2M1

E2ER-X10D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)

E2ER-X10D1-M1TGJ 0.3M

E2ER-X10D2-M1TGJ 0.3M

Chip-immune proximity sensors


Sensing distance

Connection method

Cable specifications

Order code

Operation mode: NO

Operation mode: NC



2 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)


E2ERZ-X2D1 2M2

E2ERZ-X2D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)




4 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)

E2ERZ-X4D1 2M1

E2ERZ-X4D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)




8 mm

Pre-wired models (2 m)

E2ERZ-X8D1 2M1

E2ERZ-X8D2 2M1

M12 Pre-wired Smartclick connector models (0.3 m)




Standard proximity sensors










E2ER-X2D _

E2ER-X3D _

E2ER-X7D _

E2ER-X10D _

Sensing distance

2 mm ±10%

3 mm ±10%

7 mm ±10%

10 mm ±10%

Set distance3

0 to 1.6 mm

0 to 2.4 mm

0 to 5.6 mm

0 to 8 mm

Differential travel

15% max. of sensing distance

10% max. of sensing distance

Detectable object

Ferrous metal

Standard sensing object

Iron, 8 × 8 × 1 mm

Iron, 12 × 12 × 1 mm

Iron, 18 × 18 × 1 mm

Iron, 30 × 30 × 1 mm

Response frequency4

1.5 kHz

1 kHz

0.5 kHz

0.4 kHz

Ambient temperature range

Operating: -25 to 70°C, Storage: -40 to 85°C (with no icing or condensation)

Ambient humidity range

Operating and Storage: 35% to 95% (with no condensation)

Temperature influence

±15% max. of sensing distance at 23°C in the temperature range of
−25 to 70°C

±10% max. of sensing distance at 23°C in the temperature range of -25 to 70°C



Stainless steel (SUS303)

Nickel-plated brass

Sensing surface

Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT)

Clamping nuts

Nickel-plated brass

Toothed washer

Zinc-plated iron

Chip-immune proximity sensors












Sensing distance

2 mm ±10%

4 mm ±10%

8 mm ±10%

Set distance5

0 to 1.6 mm

0 to 3.2 mm

0 to 6.4 mm

Differential travel

20% max. of sensing distance

Detectable object

Ferrous metal

Standard sensing object

Iron, 12 × 12 × 1 mm

Iron, 30 × 30 × 1 mm

Iron, 54 × 54 × 1 mm

Response frequency6

200 Hz

100 Hz

30 Hz

Ambient temperature range

Operating and Storage: 0 to 50°C (with no icing or condensation)

Ambient humidity range

Operating and Storage: 35% to 95% (with no condensation)

Temperature influence

±20% max. of sensing distance at 23°C in the temperature range of 0 to 50°C



Nickel-plated brass

Sensing surface

Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT)

Clamping nuts

Zinc-plated iron

Toothed washer

Zinc-plated iron

Power supply voltage

10 to 30 VDC, (including 10% ripple (p-p))

Leakage current

0.8 mA max.

Control output

Load current

3 to 100 mA

Residual voltage

3 V max. (Load current: 100 mA, Cable length: 2 m)


1. Models with 5-m cable length are also available with “5M” suffix. (Example: E2ER-X2D1 5M)

2. Models with 5-m cable length are also available with “5M” suffix. (Example: E2ERZ-X2D1 5M)

3. Use the Sensor within the range in which the setting indicator (green LED) is ON (except D2 Models).

4. The response frequency is an average value.
Measurement conditions are as follows: standard sensing object, a distance of twice the standard sensing object, and a set distance of half the sensing distance.

5. Use the Sensor within the range in which the setting indicator (green LED) is ON (except D2 Models).

6. The response frequency is an average value.
Measurement conditions are as follows: standard sensing object, a distance of twice the standard sensing object, and a set distance of half the sensing distance.

1. Models with 5-m cable length are also available with “5M” suffix. (Example: E2ER-X2D1 5M)

2. Models with 5-m cable length are also available with “5M” suffix. (Example: E2ERZ-X2D1 5M)

3. Use the Sensor within the range in which the setting indicator (green LED) is ON (except D2 Models).

4. The response frequency is an average value.
Measurement conditions are as follows: standard sensing object, a distance of twice the standard sensing object, and a set distance of half the sensing distance.

5. Use the Sensor within the range in which the setting indicator (green LED) is ON (except D2 Models).

6. The response frequency is an average value.
Measurement conditions are as follows: standard sensing object, a distance of twice the standard sensing object, and a set distance of half the sensing distance.

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