Întrebuinţări industriale
Monitorizarea utilajelor
Furnizăm coboţi care pot fi folosiţi pentru a monitoriza utilajele CNC, maşinile de turnat prin injecţie, presele de ştanţat şi perforat, maşinile de şlefuit şi de tăiat, dar şi pentru a-i scuti pe lucrători de munca repetitivă şi periculoasă.
Poveşti de succes
Cobots give gear manufacturer Fischer Gears a competitive production edge
Danish gear manufacturer, Fischer Gears, has boosted the competitiveness of its production process - especially on larger series – by installing two Omron TM robots. The collaborative robots (cobots) free experienced employees to focus on more value-adding tasks.Cobots give gear manufacturer a competitive production edge
14 mai 2020 Danish gear manufacturer, Fischer Gears, has boosted the competitiveness of its production process - especially on larger series – by installing two OMRON TM robots.