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Automation blog

Flexible Manufacturing
three pillars cobots bboard prod

Three pillars of successful cobot deployment: safety, quality and flexibility from a single source

04 noiembrie 2019 The use of collaborative robots is expected to increase rapidly in the next years to meet the needs of flexible production lines. To ensure that manufacturing layouts can be easily adapted to changing customer requirements, we recommend teaming up mobile robots and cobots. In addition, companies must consider integrated software apps and vision technology, as well as ensure support and risk assessment.
touching smart factory module newssingle sol

Smart machines: laying the golden egg?

16 octombrie 2019 Greater manufacturing efficiency: it’s the golden egg we’re all looking for. But it’s getting increasingly hard to find. The solution could be smarter automation, which involves lots and lots of data (‘big data’) and data collection and data-driven modelling. The smart machine then uses the models to automatically adjust its own behaviour (i.e. machine learning).
Brand Protection
automotive industry bboard sol

Legacy of machine vision

16 octombrie 2019 Did you know that for more than 40 years, Omron has developed vision sensing technologies for factory automation, surveillance and transport systems, and more recently for facial recognition and image processing for mobile phones, and even driver monitoring for autonomous driving?
ai manufacturing fcard sol

Improve OEE with Artificial Intelligence at the Edge in Food Manufacturing

16 octombrie 2019 Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in food manufacturing is picking up speed. Many F&B companies are realizing that AI presents an opportunity to increase not only the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) – and therefore combine reduced costs with increased productivity – but also to improve the analysis of data to support continuous improvement programs such as reducing waste or process operations variability.
Brand Protection
brand protection misc

Late-stage customization in pharmaceutical manufacturing

16 octombrie 2019 As a result of serialization legislation, pharmaceutical manufacturers must now ensure that labels printed at a late stage contain all of the data required for compliance. This includes customizing product labels for certain markets, customers or products by adding variable data to labels or packaging. This avoids the need to stock individual packaging materials for each variant.
Flexible Manufacturing
tiaf automotive mobile robots newssingle en event

Top tips for choosing a mobile robot

16 octombrie 2019 In an age of short product lifecycles and an increasing demand for customised solutions, if you’re a manufacturer, you need to be very agile to remain competitive. For instance, you might need to make products down to a lot size of one as simply and cost-efficiently as in mass production; or to change or update your production line at short notice. One key solution is a greater co-operation between people and machinery, leading to improved efficiency and more flexibility in the design of the production line.
Flexible Manufacturing
bin picking newssingle sol

Autonomous bin picking with a collaborative mobile robot

16 octombrie 2019 Our TM collaborative robot provides a unique solution to easily automate applications such as picking and packing that, traditionally performed by humans, have been challenging to automate. As part of the TM series launch, we also released a mobile-compatible model, which seamlessly integrates into Omron’s LD series autonomous mobile robot. Combined with a 3D vision camera mounted directly onto the collaborative robot, this enables for example e-commerce companies to automate more complex tasks. This includes pick and place of various items onto a tray or container, as well as connecting production processes with the autonomous mobile robots for flexible manufacturing and materials handling.
Flexible Manufacturing
ld mobile robot bmw bboard sol

Agili şi inteligenţi: roboţii mobili personalizaţi

10 octombrie 2019 Un important producător auto german optimizează eficienţa şi supremaţia în domeniul inovaţiei legate de manipularea materialelor cu roboţii mobili LD de la Omron şi cu accesorii de transport de la cts GmbH.Producţia de automobile şi producţia de pe linia de asamblare au fost dintotdeauna strâns corelate. De-abia în anul 1913, când Henry Ford a început să utilizeze benzi transportoare în uzinele sale, automobilul a putut să cucerească lumea ca produs de masă. În prezent, o zi de lucru fără linii de asamblare este de neconceput la uzinele BMW. Grupul se bazează pe transportul şi pe logistica inovatoare pentru creşterea eficienţei şi a flexibilităţii, pentru o mai bună legătură între procesele de lucru şi pentru a degreva angajaţii de activităţile repetitive şi mari consumatoare de timp. Aceste concepte includ roboţii mobili LD de la Omron pentru transportul de materiale, care asigură o rentabilitate deosebită a investiţiei (ROI). Aceşti roboţi mobili autonomi sunt prevăzuţi cu un turn cu conveior - un dispozitiv cu înălţime reglabilă pentru manipularea încărcăturilor, realizat de integratorul de sisteme cts GmbH. Interacţiunea dintre angajaţi şi roboţii de transport la BMW demonstrează în mod incontestabil implementarea armoniei în fabrica viitorului.
Brand Protection
robots food beverage bboard sol

Barcodes: keeping track of product quality

02 octombrie 2019 For many years, barcode technology has proved to be an economical and flexible identification technology. It has continued to develop and as a result, 1D and 2D codes (such as Datamatrix) are now used almost universally. Their versatility have made them a popular choice for streamlining many key supply chain processes, including production, logistics and item traceability.
Operational Excellence
autonomous production flow bboard back

3 Steps to Optimize Operational Efficiency for the Future of Manufacturing

02 octombrie 2019 Operational Excellence is required to maximize capital expenditures. But at the same time manufacturers are challenged to move away from traditional high volume, low mix production runs, to more complex high mix, low volume production with consumer demand linked directly with production. How to optimize operational efficiency to be ready for the future of manufacturing?
Flexible Manufacturing
engineer robot programming fcard prod

The power of collaboration between machines, people and teams

01 octombrie 2019 With today’s rapid advances in technology, the manufacturing sector needs to be increasingly agile, ready to adapt to changing demands. Production lines must be more flexible, so that they can cope with shorter production runs, more varied products and tight deadlines. So how can manufacturers address these challenges? The solution lies in more advanced, interconnected and intelligent systems that can be programmed to handle a range of tasks.